Transferring WordPress

Last week, I had the pleasure of signing up a client for Dreamhost.  I am an affiliate and I love it when my clients switch to Dreamhost because it makes my life managing their website and files much easier.  Also, I have found that a lot of what Dreamhost does, unlimited domains on one hosting plan, for example, give me great flexibility to build the sites the way I want to.

The only downside of switching hosts is moving the WordPress installation.  For some reason, I thought surely WordPress would have a very simple one click button to do this, but alas, not all things are so simple.  I searched which turned up quite a few methods.  Let me save you time reading the WordPress page on this because it does not help.  My saving page is from Cranium Storm.  Carefully follow directions and you too will become a database altering ninja!

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About Daria Mark

Daria Mark is a website developer specializing in small business websites. For managed sites, WordPress is her go to solution. When she is not building websites, she spends her time reading, knitting, biking and even blogging about knitting.