I finally decided to take a morning to attend a seminar on Social Networking organized by NEWBO and presented by Susan LaPlante-Dube from Precision Marketing Group.
Here is what I’ve learned: being successful is in part about making connections and knowing the right people. Perhaps the guy who sat next to you in high school algebra is now a VP at a firm you’ve been trying to recruit. Facebook and LinkedIn may be able to help you reconnect with him and close that business.
I am not writing this to give you a course on Social Networking – you’ll have to contact Susan for that. I am writing this to bring the point home that small business owners get too wrapped up in their business needs and forget to seek out and attend seminars and workshops that can help them expand their knowledge base. My recommendation would be 1 workshop or seminar per week. If you feel that your business can’t afford that expense, consider having your own staff do a seminar (I would do it off-site to give everyone a break from the office).